Friday, September 27, 2013

Enzyme Research

For this week's topic, you can pick one of the two topics about enzymes that you are most interested in learning about.

1)  Research some real world examples of inhibitors that stop enzymes from working.  Are these example inhibitors detrimental or helpful?  Explain. (hint:  poisons, pesticides, herbicides, etc are inhibitors)


2)  Research why people become lactose intolerant.  What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose?  What are the symptoms?  What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it?



Friday, September 20, 2013

Recommended Calories and Nutrients

What does the research say about the recommended Calorie daily intakefor teens and adults?  What does the research say about the recommended daily amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and fats? 


Friday, September 13, 2013

Obesity Dilemna

What does the current research say about the obesity rates in the world?  What is causing these rates to increase?  What diseases are associated with obesity?