Friday, September 13, 2013

Obesity Dilemna

What does the current research say about the obesity rates in the world?  What is causing these rates to increase?  What diseases are associated with obesity?


  1. Obesity
    Many years ago, obesity wasn’t a problem. Fast food restaurants didn’t exists, and people, children and adults, had an active life. Now a days, more and more children are struggling with obesity. We can make it stop, but it depends on each of us and our definition of a healthy life. I will be explaining the rate of change in people’s weight in the world, the reason behind this problem, and the diseases you can get from this.
    Many researchers throughout the world investigate the obesity problem in each country. Current researchers say that more than one-third of the U.S are overweight, or 35.7%. They also say that obesity affect some people more than other, for example: non-Hispanic blacks have a higher obesity rate than Mexican Americans. The periods of time that obesity increased by a lot was from 1990 to 2010, and we are still increasing that rate, not only in the U.S, but all throughout the world. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
    The causes of this problem we are having these days are depending on the family’s actions and economic status. Children and adults are becoming obese because they either can’t afford health food or the lifestyle they live is very unhealthy; they don’t go out as much, children stay inside playing video games and using the computer. The worst of all is that children are going in the path of not only an unhealthy lives, but a miserable life, where they can’t enjoy their childhood anymore in a physical way; the obesity causes them to not being able to run, play in certain playgrounds because of their weight and at the same time, not only their self-esteem is decreasing but also they are going to suffer the consequences in the future and it is not their fault, it’s the parents fault for leading them in this unhealthy path.
    Not only an unhealthy life is what you are going get, if that were so, then we would all be obese and wouldn’t mind it. 80% of adolescents who are obese are going to end up obese as adults. Many diseases are associated with obesity. Diabetes type 2 is the most common of all, and the one that at first was only seen in adults, but now in children too. Respiratory problems are another big risk, and that leads to not being able to do much exercise because you don’t get enough air in your lungs. These are not the only diseases you can get, there are much more, but these are the most common you could get. (Better Health Channel).
    We, adolescents, are at high risk in these times of being obese. We can make a change. Not only for us, but for other children and adults as well. If you ever see an adult or child with obesity, talk to them and tell them the risks there is for being obese. Don’t be afraid to face the reality. If we all help a little, the world would be such a better place, and without obesity.


    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Better Health Channel

  2. Obesity has doubled in adults and children since the 1970s (National Center for Health Statistics, 2007). Some estimates suggest a decrease in obesity, but obesity is still a worldwide problem and a mayor health problem in the US. Two thirds of US adults are overweight or obese (Flegal et al., 2012). Rates of overweight are higher in African-American and Hispanic women and only in Hispanic men. Also, these rates are higher in the South and Midwest, and increase with age. (Flegal et al., 2012; Gregg et al., 2009; Sherry et al., 2010)
    There have been US data that shows that 82.1% of black women and 75.7% of Hispanic women are overweight/obese compared to the 59.9% of white women (Flegal et al., 2012) Extreme obesity is more common in women (8.1%) than men (4.4%) (Flegal et al., 2012).
    About a quarter of 2-5 year olds and 1/3 of school age children (even teenagers) are overweight or obese. (Ogden et al., 2012) Some data shows that 30% of low-income preschoolers are overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Recent US data shows that only 25.6% of white girls are overweight or obese, compared to the 41.3% of black and 38.6% of Hispanic girls (Ogden et al., 2012). Hispanic boys and girls, in between 12-19 years old, have an alarming percentage of obesity and overweight (42.9% and 45.1%, respectively.)
    We adolescents are at more risk of getting overweight and/or obese than of any time past. In the past, there were not many McDonald’s, Burger Kings, etc.… and many of us are being affected, especially in the US. The Hispanic boys and girls are the most affected as some of them are low-income families.
    Adults are also being affected, but not as much as kids and teenagers. We have now iPhones, computers, laptops, tablets, videogames, consoles, and Internet, all of which are basically making us stay inside without exercising. And to crown it all, we are usually going with friends or family to a restaurant. Most of the time it is a fast food restaurant. Their food is easy to get, quick and cheap, with not much of money loss. We should all practice a bit of sport or exercise, and everybody will benefit from a healthy body and playing with friends a nice sport. a


    Overweight and obesity in the US

  3. Summaries by Jaime Goldenberg
    Obesity and overweight are now abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that affects or health. This disease presents risks to people's health that the entire world is now suffering. Obesity is measured by the body mass index (BMI), a person's weight (in Kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in meters). To determine if a person is obese, she or he has to have 30 or more BMI, and a person with a BMI of 25 or more is overweight. ( According to the World Health Organization or WHO). They are major risk factors for other types of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Obesity and overweight were considered diseases of only high consuming countries, but now that has changed, also low consuming countries now have highly increased the number of obese people on them. Since 1980 until now worldwide obesity has doubled. In 2008, 1.4 billion adults older than 20 years were overweight, over 200 million me and 300 million women. If we put this numbers on average there should be 35% were overweight and 11% of them were obese. In 2011 more than 40 million children under the age of five were overweight. Now (2013) the 65% of the world's population is overweight. The cause of this chaotic disease is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and expend. People consume food with a high intake of fat, and in addition to that people now tend to be more lazy, they decreased the physical activity and now they prefer to stay at home playing video games or watching TV. Obesity and overweight are the fifth leading risk for global deaths. Common health consequences are heart diseases and strokes, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders especially osteoarthritis, and some cancers such as breast and colon. Also obesity is associated with premature deaths and disability on people. (World Health Organization or WHO). Mexico is the one with the highest rate of obese population, with 32.8% of the population.( Gawker). We can change, if every single person that is obese starts limiting the amounts of sugars and fats consumed, they star eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, and make regular physical activities like walking and running you will start losing fat. The change is our decision.
    (World Health Organization, March, 2013)

    (World Health Organization, March, 2013)
    (RPP Noticias, September 18, 2013)

    (Gawker, September 7, 2013)

  4. Obesity is an issue that has grown increasingly over the years. Obesity has doubled worldwide since 1980 (WHO Media centre, March 2014). Every state had an obesity rate under 20% in 1995. Now, the only state under the 20% is Colorado, which is a lot compared to what it used to be ten years ago. The obesity trend has continued to grow an immense amount over the years. Now, there are about 526,719,369 obese people in the world ( /obesity, September 19, 2013).
    The biggest question is, what causes these rates to increase? Some causes of the increase of obesity rate over the years are: lack of energy balance, inactive lifestyle, environment, genes and family history, emotional factors, smoking, age, pregnancy, and lack of sleep. Fast food restaurants are also a mayor cause of people being obese. They offer extremely affordable deals for meals that are too high in calories. Teenagers and adults are becoming lazy and going to McDonalds or KFC for a quick meal, instead of choosing a healthier place or making themselves healthy food at home. People mistake food being healthy for it tasting gross, which is not true in any way. At times, the origin of the problem lies in one’s own home. Parents are allowing their kids to stay home all day, using all of their electronic devices, unlike in the old times when kids would just run around in the yard all day until it was night time. It is all these factors that add up that are causing the obesity rates to grow a shockingly big amount over the past years.
    Obesity is deadly; being obese kills more people than being underweight (WHO media centre). The health risks there are when you are obese are life threatening. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, which is the main cause of death among Americans older than 25 (Medi Weightloss, 2013). Diabetes type 2 is the most common disease for obese people. Being obese can also lead to having heat disease, high cholesterol levels, cancer, infertility, back pain, skin infections, ulcers, and gallstones.
    Obesity is an issue we have to pay more attention to. If the population keeps on letting the situation slide, I predict more than 50% of the world will be obese by the year 2020. We have to change the world by creating worldwide laws against obesity. We have to take a stand, before the situation is completely out of our control.

    1. "Obesity and Overweight." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2013.
    2. "Medical Weight Loss Resources." Top 10 Obesity-Related Diseases. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2013.
    3. "Adult Obesity Facts." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Aug. 2013. Web. 19 Sept. 2013.

  5. Obesity is the fleshiness, or the more than average fat on a person. If a person is obese or not, it is determined by using weight and height to calculate a person’s BMI (body mass index). An adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered to be overweight. An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered to be obese.1 Worldwide obesity has almost doubled since 1980. About 65% of the people in the world live in countries where being overweight and obesity kill more people than people that are underweight. More than 40 million children under the age of fiver were overweight in 2011. Being overweight and obesity is the 5th leading risk for world deaths. Obesity used to be a problem in the high-income countries, but now the people in low and middle-income countries are having problem with obesity.(1)
    One big question on everyone’s mind is what is causing the rates of obesity to increase? One reason why people are becoming so obese is because of the lack of energy balance. It is also because the people who have low or middle-income jobs cannot afford to pay for the more healthy food so they have to get the unhealthy processed food that is cheap, but very bad for you. The processed food is bad for you also because the more processing that the food goes through, the more additives and less nutrients the food contains. So, the less nutrients that the food has, the worse it becomes for you. When the food becomes processed you start to lose vitamins, minerals, and fibers, and to make it worse, when food is processed it has unhealthy fats, a lot of sugar or fake sugar, and synthetic vitamins and minerals add to it.(2)
    Also, a lot of people want to know what sicknesses you can have if you are obese or overweight. There are many diseases that you can get with being obese, like heart disease and stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer. It is proven that if a person is overweight or obese they are more likely to have many health problems.(3)

    1. Obesity Statistics (April 27th, 2011)

    2. Why Processed Foods are Bad ( January 2011)
    3. Health Risks With Obesity (January 2013)

  6. Blog post question: What does the current research say about the obesity in the world? What is causing these rates to increase? What diseases are associated with obesity?

    The definition from Wikipedia for obesity is, “A medical condition in which the body has excess body fat accumulated to an extent where it may have an adverse effect on the health.” Obesity has become an increasing problem and not only in the United States but everywhere. What is causing obesity to increase is that know humans prefer convenience.

    People who are interviewed generally say that even though eating healthy is important , it is “easier” and more convenient to eat unhealthy. Also because of poverty, people with low income generally eat unhealthier, because organic foods are more expensive (many campaigns have tried to change this) and harder to get this makes them go to the faster cheaper alternative.

    Obesity, generally can cause many diseases like;
    • High blood pressure
    • Cholosterol
    • Heart Problems
    • Gout.
    “ People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk for chronic disease compared to normal-weight individuals.” -

    - www.

  7. Obesity
    Many years ago, obesity wasn’t a problem. Fast food restaurants didn’t exist, and people, children and adults, had an active life. Nowadays, more and more children are struggling with obesity. We can make it stop, but it depends on each of us and our definition of a healthy life. I will be explaining the rate of change in people’s weight in the world, the reason behind this problem, and the diseases you can get from this.
    Many researchers throughout the world investigate the obesity problem in each country. Current researchers say that more than one-third of the U.S are overweight, or 35.7%. They also say that obesity affects some people more than others. For example, non-Hispanic blacks have a higher obesity rate than Mexican Americans. The periods of time that obesity increased by a lot was from 1990 to 2010, and we are still increasing that rate, not only in the U.S, but all throughout the world. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 16, 2013).
    The causes of this problem we are having these days are depending on the families actions and economic status. Children and adults are becoming obese because they either can’t afford healthy food or the lifestyle they live is very unhealthy; they don’t go outside to eat as much, children stay inside playing video games and using the computer. The worst of all is that children are going in the path of not only an unhealthy life, but a miserable life. Where they can’t enjoy their childhood anymore in a physical way. The obesity causes them not being able to run, not being able to play in certain playgrounds because of their weight and at the same time, not only their self-esteem is decreasing but also they are going to suffer the consequences in the future. This is not their fault, it’s the parents fault for leading them in this unhealthy path.
    Not only an unhealthy life is what you are going get, if that were so, then we would all be obese and wouldn’t mind it. 80% of adolescents who are obese are going to end up obese as adults. Many diseases are associated with obesity. Diabetes type 2 is the most common of all, and the one that at first was only seen in adults, but now in children too. Respiratory problems are another big risk, and that leads to not being able to do much exercise, because you don’t get enough air in your lungs. These are not the only diseases you can get. There are much more, but these are the most common you could get. (Better Health Channel, July 6, 2011).
    We, adolescents, are at high risk in these times of being obese. We can make a change. Not only for us, but for other children and adults as well. If you ever see an adult or child with obesity, talk to them and tell them the risks there is for being obese. Don’t be afraid to face the reality. If we all help a little, the world would be such a better place, and without obesity.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Better Health Channel
