Friday, September 27, 2013

Enzyme Research

For this week's topic, you can pick one of the two topics about enzymes that you are most interested in learning about.

1)  Research some real world examples of inhibitors that stop enzymes from working.  Are these example inhibitors detrimental or helpful?  Explain. (hint:  poisons, pesticides, herbicides, etc are inhibitors)


2)  Research why people become lactose intolerant.  What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose?  What are the symptoms?  What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it?




  1. Research why people become lactose intolerant. What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose? What are the symptoms? What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it?

    Milk contains a sugar or carbohydrate called lactose. Normally the body is able to break down lactose into simpler elements with the help of the enzyme lactase (Better Health Channel July 17, 2013.) When a person doesn’t have enough lactase, they can develop digestive problems like diarrhea and abdominal pain (Better Health Channel, July 17, 2013.)

    A reason why the enzyme lactase stops working is because of gastroenteritis, this can stop the intestines from getting lactase for a few weeks. Many people also get affected by parasitic infection, which can temporarily reduce the lactase levels. Another reason for the enzyme lactase to stop working is iron deficiency, which is the lack of iron in the diet that can interfere with the lactose digestion and absorption. (Better Health Channel, July 17, 2013)

    Many people with lactose intolerance can tolerate lactose to a certain level, but consuming the small amounts of lactose can provoke several symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (Better Health Channel, July 17,2013.) The people with higher lactose intolerance can develop more severe symptoms, like vomiting, headaches, and nausea.

    People with this mutated enzyme can digest certain foods with milk. They can eat cheese and yoghurt, which are more tolerable than milk. They can drink milk in moderate quantities; most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate 240ml per day (Better Health Channel, July 17, 2013.) People with this condition can also eat soy foods, since they are lactose free. People cannot give up milk products entirely, since they are very nutritious (Better Health Channel, July 17, 2013.) Being lactose intolerant can make people have a low calcium level. What they don’t know is that you can get calcium, for example, from oranges, broccoli, and almonds.

    • Lactose Intolerance (July 2013)

  2. Milas’ Blog
    Research why people become lactose intolerant. What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose? What are the symptoms? What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it?

    Lactose intolerant means you have trouble processing lactose. Lactose is the sugar establish in milk and foods prepared with milk. The small intestine needs lactose enzyme to break down lactose. With lactose intolerance, you may not feel well when you eat or drink something with lactose because you don’t have enough lactose enzyme (NDDIC).
    Lactose intolerance is usually caused by low levels of the enzyme lactose in your small intestine that lead to signs and symptoms. Your body needs lactose to break down, or digest lactose. Lactose intolerance may be genetic or environmentally induced. Bacteria in the colon can metabolize lactose, and the resulting fermentation produces copious amount of gas (a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and others) that causes the various abdominal symptoms. A reason that lactose can stop working is by gastroenteritis, which can stop the large and small intestine from getting lactose for an amount of time. Also congenital is the main cause, where your genetic make up causes you to have less lactose that usual. Iron deficiency which is lack of iron in the diet can interfere with lactose digestion and absorption.
    The principal symptom of lactose intolerance is an adverse reaction to products containing lactose (primarily milk), including abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting (particularly in adolescents). You can control symptoms of lactose intolerance by carefully choosing a diet that limits dairy products.
    No treatments can cure lactose intolerance. There’s currently no way to boost your body’s production of the lactose enzyme. People with lactose intolerance usually find relief by reducing the amount of dairy products they eat and using special products made for people with this condition. Because milk is a major dietary source of calcium and vital for bone growth and maintenance, it is important that calcium supplements be taken. Some green vegetables such as broccoli contain significant amount of calcium.

    1. Lactose Intolerant (July 22, 2013):
    2. Lactose Intolerant (April, 2013):
    3. Lactose Intolerant (July 19, 2012):
    4. Lactose Intolerant (August, 2013):
    5. Lactose Intolerant (April, 2011):

  3. Research why people become lactose intolerant. What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose? What are the symptoms? What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it? 

    Lactose intolerance is the incapacity to digest a sugar called lactose that is found in milk and dairy products. (Teens health) When lactose moves through the large intestine (colon) without being correctly digested, it can cause painful symptoms such as gas, belly pain, and getting inflated. Some people who have lactose intolerance cannot digest any milk products. But not all. Others can eat or drink small amounts of milk products or certain kinds of milk products without complications. (Digestive disorder health center) A big challenge for lactose intolerant people is to get used in not eating hose products and to get enough proteins for the body. Lactose intolerance is caused when a small intestine doesn’t make enough of an enzyme that is called lactate. The body needs lactate to break down lactose. Lactose intolerance most commonly runs in families and the symptoms usually come when someone is older. It is very rare that newborns are lactose intolerant. (Digestive disorder health center) Lactose intolerance is found when you suddenly see symptoms. Lets say one day out of nowhere you drink milk and you get cramps and don’t feel good that wouldn’t mean anything but if every time you drink mil those symptoms appear then it might be lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance has no cure. The only thing that can be done is not eating dairy products so that there are no more symptoms and pain is gone. For lactose intolerant people there are special products like soymilk and type of yogurts that can be taken. The thing that most lactose intolerant people are making sure they get the amount of nutrients they need calcium. There are many foods that contain calcium like broccoli, cereal, tuna, sardines and many more. (Digestive disorder health center)


  4. Lactose intolerance can occur for two reasons. The first reason is that the body of a lactose intolerant person produces less of the enzyme lactase. This is why lactose intolerance is also called lactase deficiency. This form of lactose intolerance develops over time and begins after the age of two. Most children do not experience lactase deficiency. It is more common in adolescents and adults. Some people can inherit this gene from their parents.
    The second reason lactose intolerance can occur because of damage to the small intestine. This is usually caused by diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, severe diarrheal illness, or chemotherapy. This form of lactase deficiency can occur at any age but is more common during infancy.
    The symptoms of lactose intolerance include:
    • Gas
    • Abdominal pain
    • Abdominal Bloating
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea
    People with lactose intolerance can cope with this problem in many ways. They can consume small amounts of lactose with meals to become less affected by the symptoms.

  5. sorry i forgot to cite my sources:
    Lactose Intolerance


  6. Your small intestine’s cells produce an enzyme called lactase. What this enzyme does is to attach itself to the lactose molecules of the food you eat. By doing this, the enzyme is breaking the food into two simple sugars, glucose and galactose. In the other hand there are cases when there are not enough lactase enzymes. This causes the lactose on the food to move to your colon, without been processed yet. There are three types of lactose intolerance: primarily lactose intolerance, secondary lactose intolerance, and congenital lactose intolerance. The least primarily lactose intolerance is more severe and people may not inhere lactose products or they might be affected with the symptoms. With the secondary lactose intolerance people may be able to inhere lactose products by the process of a treatment, but it may take time for them not to get symptoms. And congenital lactose intolerance is the most rare one, but it also happens. It is when a baby is born with lactose intolerance, this may happen because both the mother and the father are lactose intolerant. Babies cannot inhere any kind of lactose products, and even when taking breast milk they get sick. Babies get diarrhea since born when taking breast milk.

    Symptoms of the consume of lactose intolerance begin to have effect thirty minutes to two hours after consuming a product with lactose. The common symptoms of lactose intolerance are Diarrhea, Nausea, Gases, and Stomach Aches. There are some people that can drink up to one-half cup of milk without experiencing any symptoms. Many times people take lactase enzymes with regular milk, so that way they don’t experience the symptoms. You can take lactase enzymes in capsules or in chewable tablets.

    Lactose intolerance: (July 13, 2013) (July 13, 2013)


  7. 2) Research why people become lactose intolerant. What is causing this enzyme to not work on lactose? What are the symptoms? What can the people who have this mutated enzyme do about it?

    To be lactose intolerant means to be unable to have lactose found in dairy products. You can become lactose intolerant at any age but it is most commonly found in people to become lactose intolerant in the earlier years of life. Some people are born lactose intolerant due to their family genes. What happens is that their families’ older generations where not big on lactose and their body does not have to get lactase because there is no lactose to break down.
    The lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme lactase in the inner lining of the GI wall. The Gl wall cannot absorb lactose whole so it stays in the gut; this makes water to move into the gut causing diarrhea and abdominal pain. The small intestine produces lactase but sometimes when your diet becomes less reliant on lactose the small intestine produces less lactase.
    Lactose intolerance is curable with supplementation with probiotics. Also, consuming yogurt that has been enhanced with certain types of bacteria can alleviate or to decrease symptoms of lactose making you tolerant to it.

    (answers from top doctors from the top institution)
