Friday, September 20, 2013

Recommended Calories and Nutrients

What does the research say about the recommended Calorie daily intakefor teens and adults?  What does the research say about the recommended daily amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and fats? 



  1. Teenagers need to have higher calorie intake than adults. This is because the teenager is still growing and their bodies need more calories to help them grow. Calcium is one of the most important when a teenager is growing. It helps their bones. “Teenage boys should consume between 1,800 and 3,200 calories per day. Teens between nine and thirteen years old should eat up to 1,800 to 2,600 calories. For boys between fourteen and eighteen years old, they should consume 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day (1).”

    Teenage girls need between 1,600 and 2,400 calories per day. Girls between 14 and 18 should eat 1,800 to 2,400 calories depending on their body size. Teens who are involved in sports should eat more, because they burn off the calories, and then they need more to take the other calories place. (1)

    The daily calorie intake for an adult depends on their gender and age. Women from 19-30 years old need to consume from 2,000 and 2,400 calories a day. Women from the age of 31-50 need to consume 1,800-2,200 calories a day. Women older than the age of 51 needs to consume 1,600-2,200 calories a day. (2)

    Men from ages 19 to 30 years old should consume from 2,400-3,000 calories a day. Men from the ages of 31-50 should consume 2,200-3,000 a day. If you are older than the age of 51 you should consume 2,000-2,800 calories a day. Men need more calories, because they are usually taller and tend to weigh more.(2)

    The daily intake of fruits from girls 14-18 years old is 1 1/2 cups. For boys 14-18 it is 2 cups. For women from 31-50 years old it is 1 ½ cups and for men 31-50 years old it is also 2 cups. The daily intake of vegetables for girls 14-18 years old is 2 ½ cups. For boys 14-18 years old it is 3 cups. For women 31-50 years old it is 2 ½ cups. For men from 31-50 years old it is 3 cups. The daily amount of grains for girls 14-18 years old is 6 ounces. For boys 14-18 it is 8 ounces. For women 31-50 years old the amount of the grain they should consume daily is 6 ounces. For men 31-50 years old it is 7 ounces. The daily amount of protein a girl from the age of 14-18 is 5 ounces. For a boy 14-18 years old it is6 ½ ounces. For women from 31-50 years old it is 5 ounces. For men from the age of 31-50 it is 6 ounces. For girls 14-18 years old the daily intake of fats should be 160 calories. For boys from the age of 14-18 the amount of fat they should consume is 265. For women from the age of 31 to 50 it is 160 calories. For men from the age f 31-50 it is 265 calories. (3)


  2. Since teens and adults are not considering the amount of calorie intake they are getting, this is causing overweight to spread far and quickly over many countries. Teens can´t control the amounts of fat that they have lately been getting and have caused their overweight. An average female teen should have an intake of 1800 calories and for males an average of 2000 calories. An average fat of 25%-35% for both male and female. And average of 1.5 cups of fruit for females and 2.0 cups for males. 2.5 cups of vegetables for females and 3.0 cups of vegetables. 6 oz. of grains for females and 7 oz. of grains for males.

    Adults used to have their own control over the food they ate, now the fast food restaurants, adults are increasing the intake of calories and fats creating countries that now have stereotypes of being fat (USA, Mexico, England, etc). For a 30 year old women it could be between 1800 and 2000 if sedentary (not active), and 2000 to 2400 calories if active. 50 year old woman needs between 1800 and 2200 calories. Women 30 years old should eat 6 oz per day and minimum 3 oz. 50 years old should eat also 6 ounces recommended per day and minimum of 3 oz. Older than 50 should eat 5 oz recommended per day and minimum of 3 oz. women should eat 2-2.5 cups of vegetables, 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit, and 5 to 5.5 oz of protein per day. For men, a guy who weighs 143 lb needs between 2400 to 2700 calories. A guy who weighs 165 lb needs between 2800 to 3100 calories. One who weighs 187 lb needs between 3100 to 3300 calories. Men who have 30 years should consume 8 oz recommended per day and 4 oz minimum. Men who are 50 years old should consume 7 oz per day and minimum of 3.5 oz. Older then 50 should consume 6 oz per day and minimum of 3 oz. Men should eat 2.5 to 3 cups if vegetables, 2 cups of fruits , and 5.5 oz to 6.5 oz of proteins per day.


    United States Department of Agriculture

    Live Strong, How Many Calories Should an Adult Male Have Per Day (August 16, 2013)

    Dietary Recommendations for Children (September 11, 2013)

    Daily Recommended Caloric Intake for Women (August 30, 2013)

  3. Teenagers need more calories than adults, because they are going through puberty, and their bodies need more calories than adults whose changes have already stopped. Calorie intake for teenagers and adults varies between genders. Boys from the ages of 9-13 should eat between 1,800-2,600 calories daily. However, boys that are between 14-18 years old should eat 2,200 to 2,400 calories. Girls that are 9-13 years old need 1,600-2,400 calories a day, while 14-18 year old girls need 1,800-2,400. But, it is important to know that teenagers who are involved in activities that include physical activities eat more to compensate for the calories burned off, so they remain healthy.
    For adults, women that are from ages of 19-30 years of age need 2,000-2,400 calories daily. If you are a 31-50 women, you need 1,800-2,200 calories daily. If you are over the age of 51 and a female, you need between 1,600-2,200 calories daily. Men aged between 19 and 30 years of age need 2,400-3,000 calories daily. 31-50 year olds need 2,200-3,000 calories daily. For men that are 51 years and older, they need between 2,000-2,800 calories every day. The reason men need more calories than women are because they generally are taller and weigh more.

    The recommended daily amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and fats also depends on age, gender, and level of physical activity. Children (girls and boys of 2-8 years old) need 1-1 ½ cups of fruits daily. Girls, ages 9-18, need 1-1 ½ cups daily. Women, 19-51+ years and older, need about 1 ½-2 cups of fruit daily. Boys, ages 9-18, need 1 ½-2 cups daily. Men, ages 19-51+, need 2 cups of fruit daily. The amount of fruit people need is similar to the amount of vegetables they need. Children aged from 2-8 need 1- ½ cups of vegetables every week. Women aged from 9-51+ and older need 2- 2 ½ cups Men, aged from 9-51+, need 2 ½-3 cups of vegetables daily. The main idea is that your plate is half full of fruits and vegetables.
    Eating grains is a huge issue in the United States, studies show that over 40% of North Americans never eat whole grains at all (4). However, girls and boys (aged 2-3) are supposed to have 1.5-3 cups of grains daily. Girls aged from 4-8 need 2-4 cups of grains. 9-13 year old girls and women over the age of 51are supposed to have 3-5 cups of grains a day. Women aged from 14-50 need 3-6 cups daily. Boys that are 4-8 years old need 2.5-5 cups of grains daily. Boys from 9-13 years of age and men over the age of 51 need 3-6 cups of grains. Men that are 14-18 and 31-50 need 3.5-7 cups of grains daily. Lastly, men who are 19-30 need the most, 4-8 cups of grains a day.
    It is recommended from the United States Health Department that 10-35% of your daily calories come from protein. Children aged from 1-8 need anywhere between 13-19 grams of protein daily. Children that are 9-13 need 34 grams of protein daily. Girls who are 14-18 need 46 grams daily. Boys aged 14-18 need 52 grams of protein a day. Women who are 19-70+ need 46 grams of proteins daily. Men who are 19-70+ should have 56 grams of proteins daily. It is recommended that an average adult has 70 grams of fat daily. People around the world, but especially in the United States, need to watch their nutrition more carefully. I was shocked to find out that most people in the U.S. do not follow any nutrition at all, which is part of the reason the country is the most obese.

    1. “Daily Calorie Intake for Adults”:
    2. “How Much Fruit Is Needed Daily?”: September 12, 2013
    3. “How Much Is Enough?”: January 2011
    4. “Nutrition for Everyone: Protein”: October 4, 2012
    5. “Nutrients-Daily Intake Guide”: 2011

  4. There are many debates about how many calories is the right amount to take daily, and it comes to different amounts for a teenager in development female or male and an adult female or male. Teenagers need more calories than adults because they are still developing in height, have a faster metabolism, and most of the time, are more physically active than adults. Although, the intake of calories differs from a teenager to an adult it also differentiates from male to female.

    As mentioned before teens need more calories than adults do, but the difference is not only in age but also in gender, body size and body composition, and physical activities throughout the day. All bodies are different and one diet for one person will not work the same for another one. Determining the amount of calories needed per day in age is because the human body as it gets older tends to make calories count more for fat than for muscle, which reflects on the weight of the body. Body size and compositions is counted in to determine the amount of calories recommended for a body because bigger bodies and bodies with a lot of muscle burn more calories than normal sized bodies, even when at rest. Finally, the sex of a body can help in resolving the amount of calories supported per day because men incline to having more muscle than fat, and this makes burning fat easier than for woman.
    Generally for male teenagers varying between the ages of thirteen and fifteen are recommended to take enclosed by 2,000 to 2,200 calories per day. Teens between the ages of sixteen and nineteen should intake an amount of calories bounded by 2,400 and 2,600. While for female teenagers between the ages of thirteen and fifteen should be alternating around 2,000 calories per day. For female teenagers between the ages of sixteen and nineteen their amount of calories is still around 2,000 calories a day. This is if both male and female teenagers are moderately active. If male teenagers were sedentary their amount of calories would drop to between 2,000 and 2,400; for female sedentary teenagers their calorie amount would drop to 1,600 and 1,800 calories per day. As you can see the numbers between female and male teenagers have bug gaps in between them.
    Changing the right amount of calories an adults should take they are also very different to teenagers and especially male teenagers. For a moderately active male adult between the ages of twenty and fifty-six the amount of calories recommended would be 2,800 calories until the age of twenty-five, it goes down to 2,600 calories from age twenty six until age of forty five, and from ages of forty six and would be 2,400 calories. For a moderately active female adult also between the ages of twenty and fifty-six would be from ages twenty to fifty the woman can have 2,000 calories a day, and this changes for ages fifty-one until fifty-six where they can up to 1,800 calories a day. When the adult is not active, in other words sedentary, then the amount of calories is changeable between ages. For sedentary male adult at age twenty he can have 2,600 calories, when the adult turns twenty-one and until the age of forty he can have 2,400 calories a day, and from ages forty-one to fifty-six the preferable intake of calories would be 2,200 a day. Being an adult sedentary female she can take 2,000 calories a day rom ages twenty to twenty-five, from ages twenty-six to fifty the female can take 1,800 calories a day, and finally from ages fifty-one to fifty-six the recommendable amount of calories a day would 1,600.

  5. Moving on to fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and fats I am going to talk about the serving recommended per day of each of those foods. For teenagers ages of thirteen to eighteen the recommended serving per day would be three to four fruits a day, which would be around 1,000 grams a day. A teenager between those same ages should have four to nine vegetables a day, referring to about 675 grams of vegetables a day. The amount of grain products recommended for teens also between the ages of fourteen to eighteen is between six and seven per day and 46 grams of protein for female teenagers and 52 grams of protein per day for male teenagers. For fats it is different for males and females; a healthy female teenager should get 50 to 70 grams of fat a day, and a healthy male teenager should consume from 61 to 86 grams of fat a day.
    Female adults from ages nineteen to fifty years are recommended to consume between seven and eight fruits and vegetables per day. While male adults, between the same ages, should consume eight to ten vegetables a day. For adult females their amount of protein a day should roam around 46 grams a day, and male adults around 56 grams a day of protein. An adult should consume less than fifteen grams a day of saturated fat, and less than two grams of trans fat a day. The rest of the fat, which should be between 26 and 77 grams a day, should come from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

    We can come a conclusion that a healthy died varies from body to body by age, sex, body structure, and physical activity per day. The numbers that I have provided are a general idea of a diet for an average person, but for specific diets the most recommended action to take would be to see a doctor. All bodies are different and we don’t all work the same way.

    1. “Mayo Clinic”
    2. “SFGate”
    3. “USDA”
    4. “Healthy kids”
    5. “Health Canada”
    6. WebMD
    7. “Live Strong”
    8. “American Heart Association”

  6. Calories are a tricky subject for many people, how many should you have per day, what is a good number per meal? These are some common questions people ask about calories. Luckily the answer is a simple one. For 13 year old boys 2400 calories is a good amount, 2200 calories is a good number for girls per day. For 14-15 year old boys 2700 calories is a good amount whereas for girls 2300 is a great amount. For adults the calories count is debatable, for men 2300-2500 is a good number and for women 2000-2200 is recommended.

    When is comes to servings you can always count on a Food Pyramid to help you out. For fats, oils, and sweets you should watch out and eat sparingly. For your dairies you should try to have 2-3 servings a day. For meats, poulty, fish, as well as nuts and dry beans you should try 2-3 servings per day. For vegetables you should have 3-5 servings and for fruits 2-4. For bread, pasta, cereal, and rice you should have 7-11 servings per day.
